Ladies Night Out a Diet Wrecker

HealthNews of the Week
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Vitamin D deficiency plays role in many adverse health conditions, studies show
“New data on nutrition and heart disease presented at a recent symposium and published in the July issue of the American Journal of the Medical Sciences shows that low vitamin D is a common problem affecting many health conditions, including high blood pressure, heart failure and ischemic heart disease.”

Ladies’ Night Out a Diet Wrecker
“Study Shows Women Who Eat With Other Women Tend to Consume More Calories.”

Why Willpower Often Fails
“People who rely on sheer willpower to help them lose weight, stop smoking, or beat other addictions more often than not, end up giving in to temptation, and now new research may help explain why.”

Stress Raises Belly Fat, Heart Risks
“Monkeys fed an American diet get fat — but those under chronic stress get much more belly fat, blocked arteries, and other heart disease risk factors.”
