Sleep Disorders, Daytime Naps, Morning Sickness, Men At Greater Cancer Risk

HealthNews of the Week

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Sleep Disorders

Poor quality sleep – whether from insomnia, sleep fragmentation, or nightmares – is associated with increased risk of death, according to several presentations this week in Seattle at SLEEP 2009, the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies.

Daytime Naps Prevent Psychosocial Disorders

Not taking daytime naps places children between the ages of 4 and 5 at an increased risk of developing psychosocial disorders, a new study finds.

Morning Sickness Makes For Smarter Kids!

In another odd study where correlation and causation seem very distantly related, researchers in Canada found that women who experienced morning sickness had children with higher IQs. Instead of the article we decided to post some natural food remedies.

Men Hit By Greater Cancer Death Risk

Men are almost 40 per cent more likely than women to die from cancer, reveals a report published by the National Cancer Intelligence Network (NCIN) and Cancer Research UK together with the Men’s Health Forum to mark Men’s Health Week.


Video of the Week - We have the tools to stop Alzheimer's Now